Audios to Help Prepare Mentally for Ramadan

Audios to brush up on Ramadan!

Preparing For A Noble Guest… Ramadhaan – Abu Muhammad al-Maghribee [Audio|En (50:57)
This is a talk from 2013. It goes over many basics relating to fasting during Ramadan.

We Need A Ramadan - Abu Uwais
I've recently seen this audio referred to as "legendary."I guess we think so too because it has become a tradition around our house to listen to (or read the transcript for) this right before Ramadan. You can find a transcription of the audio here.

Looking Forward to Ramadhaan

Preparing for Ramadan - Islamic Center of Palm Beach

Ask Yourself Why in the Blessed Month of Ramadan - (a khutbah) Hassan Somali - (27:01)

This was a really good, short audio. A few takeaways I noted:
  • "Reaching Ramadan is a great blessing"
  • "Fasting Ramadan is a great blessing"
  • It asks us if we haven't been affected by Ramadan (night prayers, reading Quraan, giving charity, feeding the fasting and poor), then why not?  (how are we spending our time then?)
  • We either go forward (with righteousness) or do backward w/ obedience and righteousness (due to sins)
  • Also discusses one of my favorite adhkaar (I am pleased with Allah as a Lord, with Islam as a religion, and Prophet Muhammad (sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam) as a prophet). It speaks about how we say it, but do we really believe it, do we accept, love and act upon the rulings of Allah which shows that we are truly pleased).
  • Finally it talked about how we should beware of feeling lonely (because we are Muslims or non-innovators, we are isolated or alienated) and if we are isolated and alienated because of striving to be righteous, then we have tasted the "sweetness of faith" and we should thank Allah for that and ask for more strangeness [due to following our religion].

    Ramadhan Workshop 2019 Abu Muadh Taqweem
    I've listened to two audios so far and they are very beneficial, so I am looking forward to completing this series, insha Allah. (They are currently being taught as live lessons via AlHuda Bolton)

    How the Salaf Prepared for Ramadhaan

    Ramadan - A Time for Change

    What Every Muslim Must Know About Fasting in Ramadhan - Abu Khadeejah

    Ramadan Month of Repentance - Seize [the] Opportunity - Hassan Somali

    Utilise Ramadan to Rectify Yourselves