Making Up Missed Fasts of Ramadan

Making up the missed fasts of Ramadan

When Must the Missed Fasts Be Made Up?

Days missed from previous Ramadan must be made up for before the next Ramadan

Making Up Missed Ramadan Fasts & Fasting the Six Days of Shawwaal

Priority to make up for missed days of Ramadan over fasting the six days of Shawwal (Al Ifta via

Can We Combine Ramadhan Make-ups with the Six Shawwal Fasts? (Response from Shaykh Al- Albaani)

Fasting Shawwal When One has days to Make up from Ramadhaan - Shaykh Muqbil


Got several family members that need to make up Ramadan fasts? Try these Fasting Make Up Strips.
Available in color or B&W.