Setting some goals for yourself and family (and having the kids set personal goals for themselves) can help you do just that this Ramadan, inshaa Allah.
Some sample goals:
- Memorize a specific surah or ayaat
- Memorize a hadith or ahadiths
- Memorize a duaa (and learn what it means)
- Memorize the Arabic alphabet
- Read/recite the entire Quraan during Ramadan
- Pray salaatul Taraweeh/Tahajjud/Witr etc every night
- Establish the routine of saying certain duaas during the day
- Establish the Rawatib prayers (voluntary prayers associated with the 5 daily prayers)
- Study a specific book (such as Usooluth Thalaatha)
- Memorize a certain number of the Names/Attributes of Allah
Have your kids develop a plan for accomplishing the goals, such as setting specific study times and durations, alarms, etc.
Here are a few Ramadan goal charts you can use or draw inspiration from:
I absolutely love this Ramadan goal sheet from Our Precious Sprouts

Ramadan Goal Chart (TJ, link updated 5/2018)
Suitable for adults or children, in shaa Allah. This one has space to devise a specific plan for how a goal can be reached, in shaa Allah.
Ramadan Goal Chart - Kids (TJ, link updated 5/2018)
To help keep everyone on track and encouraged, in shaa Allah, have everyone report their progress daily in a Ramadan Family Meeting and discuss any difficulty (or success) that they are having.
Other Ideas:
The year before last year, I cut out little ribbon templates and gave each family member one to write a goal on. I also printed out a trophy template for our family goals as a whole. Then, we hung each trophy/medal up on our Ramadan Bulletin board.
May Allah allow you and your family to attain your Ramadan goals this year, ameen!